Thursday, October 3, 2013

Use of "were" (subjunctive)

I'd like to know if the use of were is correct in the sentence below or if it should be replaced with was:

As if X weren't hard enough already, companies now face the
challenge to deliver Y.

For your response, assume that X is hard enough already.


I'm aware that several questions related to the subjunctive "were" have been asked on this site. But they don't help me.

To clarify, I'm asking if the subjunctive mood is appropriate here. If so, I'd like to use the subjunctive. I'm not asking if it is OK to not use the subjunctive. (I know that in current English language it is more or less acceptable to not use the subjunctive even when it is called for.)

If it helps, I think my difficulty has roots in the negative phrase "weren't". I haven't found this negative subjunctive construction addressed anywhere.


As if X weren't hard enough already, companies now face the challenge to deliver Y.

This is correct. As Peter Shor points out in his comment, the negative is hypothetical in this case.

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