Tuesday, March 12, 2013

expressions - The meaning of the idiom "pin one's hat on something"

HINOJOSA: And how they got there is the reason why the Kohn family is
now part of a national scientific study to locate a gene for

DR. TOM PERLS, CENTAGENETIX: We started off studying all the
centenarians in a region around Boston and found that they had several
things in common -- for instance, they didn't smoke, very significant
obesity was rare. But beyond that we couldn't really pin our hat on
anything until we kept seeing a lot of brothers and sisters getting to

very old age. And some families where we're seeing many brothers and
sisters and cousins and parents getting to a very old age as well.

link: http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/01/stc.00.html

I guess the idiom "pin one's hat on" means something like "make a conclusion" or "be certain about".

I googled it but I couldn't find any meaningful resource.

What's the meaning of the idiom "pin one's hat on"?

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