Wednesday, February 6, 2013

word usage - Is it possible to use "demotivate" with something not related to studying or job?

The question is in the title. Actually, I need something of a synonym to "disencourage" and "demotivate" was the first word that came to my mind. Also, if it's possible to use "demotivate" with something not related to studying and/or job, which preposition should I use? I would try something like "demotivate from doing something", but I'm not 100% sure.

Edit: I've noticed a mistake just now: I mean "discourage", not "disencourage". As for the context, it's something like "demotivate young people from commiting crimes".


deter would be a much better fit here.


: to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting; she would not be
deterred by threats

Streetworkers are trying to deter young people from committing crimes.


“Why the gruesome pictures? Because we hope to deter young people from committing the same crimes and because we hope that by looking at
pictures relatives will recognize those missing. Because we’re filling
a void by providing the raw truth, at a time when everyone wants to
forget what’s happened to our country.”

Dallas Morning News

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