Wednesday, February 20, 2013

grammar - How to punctuate a sentence ending in a code block on

A lot of time when I'm writing a Programming Puzzles & Code Golf challenge, I need to incorporate multiline blocks of code



into my sentences.

Many times, it's simplest to have them at the very end of a sentence. For example, this scenario is easy to envision:

If the input is 1, the output of your program should be

sample output 1

If the input is 2, the output of your program should be

sample output 2

The problem is that there are supposed to be two complete sentences here, but there are no periods!

One obvious solution is to add periods after the code blocks:

If the input is 1, the output of your program should be

sample output 1

. If the input is 2, the output of your program should be

sample output 2


But this just looks weird.

Another solution is to add 'this:' after the 'be', and forgo the periods:

If the input is 1, the output of your program should be this:

sample output 1

If the input is 2, the output of your program should be this:

sample output 2

(I don't think it's grammatically correct to just put the colon after 'be' but I may be wrong.)

This seems more complete, but is still rather awkward with the 'this'es, and won't always work if the sentence is more complex. e.g.

The program

example code A

runs better than

example code B

[comma?] but both are worse than

example code C


So what's the best way to do this - specifically on where it's impossible to put a period directly after a code block?

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