Monday, February 13, 2012

grammatical number - How do you pluralize the acronym "POC" ("proof of concept")?

What's the plural form of the acronym POC, short for proof of concept?

...for his contributions to many POCs


...for his contributions to many POC

What is the correct way to pluralize an acronym? is not a duplicate as it is focused on cases like "ATMs" where the expanded form "automated teller machines" ends in a noun with a regular plural form ending in "s." In "proof of concept," the noun is in the middle of the abbreviated phrase. If we pluralize the uncontracted phrase, we get "proofs of concept," which has an "s" in the middle rather than at the end. It's unclear from the linked answers how abbreviations with this structure should be pluralized. (POC, POCs, PsOC?)


POCs is ok.

To pluralise an abbreviation (or number) just add an "s" to the end.

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