Wednesday, November 13, 2019

word choice - Which is correct, "be proceeded" or "be processed" (used in business letter)

Which usage (be proceed/be processed) is correct in the following sentence? (This is written in a business letter) Are there any differences between these two words? Thanks a lot!

  1. Please be noted that your order won't be "proceeded" until we receive your confirmation.

  2. Please be noted that your order won't be "processed" until we receive your confirmation.


Proceed is an "intransitive" verb: it cannot be used with a direct object, only with a subject. That is, you cans say "X proceeds", but not "We proceed X".

As such, you also cannot use the passive voice ("be proceeded") since the point of passive is to express that an object gets acted upon; since there can be no object, there can be no valid passive form.

Process has no such limitation; indeed, as it is a transitive verb, it requires an object.

Thus your second sentence is the more correct option.

(However, "Please be noted" should be either "Please note" or "Please be aware".)

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