Saturday, November 17, 2018

usage - industrial-grade - meaning

The future of PHP looks very bright. Leading platform vendors such as IBM, Oracle,
MySQL, Intel, and, most recently, Red Hat have all endorsed it. The new Collaboration
Project initiated by Zend Technologies rallies many leading companies and community
members around new open source initiatives aimed at taking PHP to the next
level by creating an industrial-grade, de facto standard PHP web application development
and deployment environment. The Project’s first two open initiatives are:

What does this word mean?


Industrial-grade is a term used to denote larger size, toughness and resilience. An example: a bulldozer is an industrial-grade form of a shovel.

In your example, the term is used more abstractly to imply a more robust PHP system, better than all existing PHP systems; rougher; tougher ... but the language here is just overblown sales talk without any real substance.

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