Monday, June 4, 2018

word choice - Which vs that in this sentence: "Kaieteur Falls, which/that is 741 feet tall, is located in Guyana"

I have this sentence: "Kaieteur Falls, which/that is 741 feet tall, is located in Guyana. My English teacher told me "that" would be correct. However, I strongly believe "which" would be correct. Could someone explain which one is correct?

Also, I am aware of threads such as that vs which vs what or others, and I have looked through those. I am fairly certain that "which" would be correct by reading these threads, but my English teacher thinks different.


which is 741 feet tall is a nonessential relative clause, so it's correct to use which and a comma there. A nonessential clause (also known as a nonrestrictive clause) is one that just adds extra, nonessential information to the sentence and could be removed without changing the main meaning of the sentence: "Kaieteur Falls is located in Guyana." Your teacher is wrong.

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