Wednesday, December 16, 2015

adjectives - "The" for superlative referring to more than one object

Which one of these sentences is correct?

  1. The best countries to live in are ...

  2. Best countries to live in are ...

EDIT: The reason this question is being asked is that this Wiktionary article says the definite article should be used with a superlative, it and that superlative refer to one object: that apple pie was the best.

Now, what about those apple pies were the best?


The 1st and 3rd examples are correct, because when talking about superlatives, you are effectively talking about something specific, so the definite article must be used, whether the thing in question is singular or plural.

A noun can be omitted after "the best" in the 3rd example, but it is implied, i.e.:

Those apple pies were the best [apple pies].

Those apple pies were the best [I've ever tasted].

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