Wednesday, May 20, 2015

mathematics - submatrix or sub-matrix?

I 've seen several times "submatrix" in code and manuals. However, whenever I write in my Latex editor, it gets underlined in red, as a spelling mistake. Same things happens now, just as I am writing my first question here. On the other hand, 've gets the same treatment, but that should be just a failure in the spelling checker (because it's not a word).

So, submatrix or sub-matrix? Or none of them, but something else?


A related question lies here, but it's content is general, so does the duplicate of that question too. Moreover, as explicitly stated there, it depends on the word.


As of 2008, submatrix was approximately 3 times more common than sub-matrix:

enter image description here

Although both spellings may be "generally acceptable", submatrix is preferable by virtue of its "popularity". Neither expression is very common, but the relative popularity of submatirix is rooted in its adoption as the default spelling, particularly in the field of mathematics, so a person who used sub-matrix would reveal a basic ignorance of its predominant mathematical milieu.

Spellcheck dictionaries are not exhaustive, so submatrix is marked as incorrect simply because, as a rarely-used word, it is not included in the dictionary. Sub-matrix is "accepted spelling" because of spellcheck hyphenation protocol, which merely checks for correct spelling on either side of the hyphen.

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