Friday, January 23, 2015

Why do Americans say "tuna fish"?

I mean, it's not like there is a tuna vegetable or animal that it can be confused with.


I agree with you that it does seem redundant. However, this is common with other kinds of fish as well. Many people say "codfish" instead of "cod". Here is a recipe for "trout fish" croquets.

This convention has important meaning to a huge number of fish names: catfish, lionfish, swordfish, sunfish, cowfish, etc.

Also, it provides extra clarification for someone who wouldn't know what a "tuna" or a "cod" is otherwise. Anyone learning English as a second language will probably learn the meaning of "fish" early on, but may not know the more specific names.


  1. I think it might be to specify what type of fish it is. Example "What kind of fish sandwich are you eating?" "I'm eating a tuna fish sandwich." Which would be correct.

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