Monday, January 26, 2015

What's a word for a group of questions asked together?

Is there a word for a set of questions that are asked together and are related? For example, one asks the question:

Do you go rafting?

And follow up with:

If yes, where?
If no, what do you do instead?

I'd like a word that represents this collection of questions, some of which are meaningless outside of their grouping. Is there such a word?

I have a couple of ideas in mind (linked here so I can limit influencing your opinion).

I'm looking for something much smaller than an interview (which is a larger collection of loosely-related questions), and different from a page (which is a physical arrangement of questions).


A few options, some admittedly phrases and also various forms:

  • line of questioning

  • questions

  • questioning

  • questionnaire

  • a grilling

  • investigation

  • review

  • debriefing

  • interrogation

  • poll

  • survey

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