Tuesday, April 15, 2014

prepositions - Parallelism in a sentence regarding transitive verbs, gerunds, and objects

I'm trying to write this sentence, but something doesn't seem right:

Walloopp.com is the place to discover, collaborate, and create what's next.

The first two are just options for actions on the website (you can discover, and you can collaborate,) and the third is the option to create what's next.

However, it seems like creating what's next is the object here, and collaborate would thus require "on" for it to make sense since you can't "collaborate what's next".

The question is (I think) can you have an intransitive verb, set off by another infinitive, followed by a transitive verb with an object without the previous verbs also having to modify it?


p.s. this could be fixed with recasting it e.g., "The place to discover and create what's next—together." but in this particular case (my job) that would require a lot of time (coding).

Merci d'Avance!

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