Wednesday, January 22, 2014

grammaticality - "A majority of those whose family" or "families"

Is "family" both plural and singular? or would I have to say families for the plural form? For example, which of these is the best option:

  • "A majority of those whose family were unaware of their sexuality..."

  • "A majority of those whose families were unaware of their sexuality..."

  • "A majority of those whose family was unaware of their sexuality..."

Edit: Here are some full sentences to give some context.

Participants whose famil(ies) were aware of their sexuality were predominantly feminine and identified as gay, homosexual, drag queen, or a combination of these identities. All those who assumed their famil(ies) knew about their sexuality were gay identified and a majority identified as feminine. A majority of those whose famil(ies) were unaware were masculine and identified as non-gay, straight, down low or did not identify with any label.

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