Friday, June 21, 2013

grammar - Subject-verb inversion / verb-subject-object -- is this correct?

I recently read the following in a schoolbook:

Wrote the researchers, "[...]"

I wonder if this is correct English. I have seen it a couple of more times. Is this just a matter of preference? English doesn't really have a very liberal word order, unless you're writing poetry or the like.

Can anyone tell me what this is called? I found some information on subject-verb inversion, but it only seems to be when the object is in front, but in this case, the word order is verb-subject-object.


Wrote the researchers, "[...]"

This is an archaic form of "The researchers wrote, '...'" but it is still used for literary purposes.

So it is correct but only in specific contexts. People would certainly understand what was meant but it may feel a bit odd.

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