Saturday, January 12, 2013

word choice - 'We care for us' or 'We care about us'?

'We care for us'


'We care about us'?

What sentence is actually right? Maybe both sentences are good?


Neither sentence is actually correct. When the object of the preposition is the same as the subject in sentences such as these, the second pronoun must be changed to the reflexive. So the following are grammatically correct as far as the pronouns are concerned:

We care for ourselves.

We care about ourselves.

Both of these sentences are correct, but they mean different things. In the first sentence, you use the verb to care for, which means either "to think fondly of" or "to treat". In the second you say to care about, which means "to consider something important".

(There is an idiom under which it's possible to say We care about 'us', using "us" as a noun to refer to the partners in a romantic relationship. But I'm pretty sure this is not what you mean.)

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