Saturday, January 14, 2012

pronunciation - Should "ohmmeter" be stressed on the first or second syllables, or both?


Which syllable or syllables are stressed in the word ohmmeter?


I tried to say the word ohmmeter out loud today and realized I am unsure of the correct pronunciation. The double m is confusing to me.

From some research on various ‑meter types, some seem to split the words, whereas others pronounce it in a "run-on" format (for lack of a better description). Like multimeter is usually said as *múlti míter" with stresses on the first and third syllables, but altimeter is usually said with different stress pattern like all tímiter, stressing only the second syllable.

Would it be óhm méter with two stresses or óhm iter with just one, or something else?


For reference in case you are unfamiliar with this device:

And also here is a list of measuring devices so you can see what I mean by the various "X-meter" type words:

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