Tuesday, March 12, 2013

quotations - How to use [sic] at the end of a quote?

The OpenStreetMap Sign Up page advises new users on its password policy:

With OpenID a password is not required, but some extra tools or server [sic] may still need one.

I've added [sic] immediately after the error in the middle of the sentence.

When I read the sentence, I immediately thought "Which extra tools or servers need a password?"

How do I express this while quoting the original text, so that I may bring attention to the error?

Do I put [sic] inside the quote like this:

Which "extra tools or server [sic]" need a password?

Or put it outside the quote like this:

Which "extra tools or server" [sic] need a password?

Or do something else? (Would it be petty to call out a small error in this way?)

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