Sunday, July 14, 2019

verbs - Is it correct to say "I think sth important"?

I know that I can say:

I consider this idea important.
I deem this film stupid.
I regard my health as important.

But can I say:

I think money/health/love/etc. important.

Or does it have to be:

I think money/health/love/etc. is important.

Or are both okay?


Here are a few specialized constructions of this sort:

We do not think it necessary to go. ("think it A" where "A" is an adjective)

Some people do not think it important to be thrifty. (same as above)

She did not wish him to think it possible. (same as above)

I think it fair that ... (same as above)

I thought it over carefully. ("think it over" is a fixed phrasal verb)

It seems that for "think", one cannot use it with two 'objects' as in "think X Y", and only in the idiomatic construction "think it X" where "it" can only refer to a concept or idea, not physical things.

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