Friday, August 31, 2018

conjunction reduction - Repeating the definite article

I have a question about repeating the definite article. At my job, we have to discuss various cost elements. In our reports, people never repeat the definite article, but I think it's necessary. Here are some examples:

  • The proposed and objective indirect costs are summarized below. VS. The proposed and the objective indirect costs are summarized below.

  • The variance between the proposed and objective indirect costs equates to $450,000. VS. The variance between the proposed and the objective indirect costs equates to $450,000.

I believe that the term "indirect costs" is a non-count noun -- you are discussing a set of indirect costs (i.e., there are multiple different indirect costs items, such as engineering overhead, material overhead, G&A, etc).

Failing to repeat the definite article seems to suggest that you are referring to one set of indirect costs when you are really discussing 2 different sets of costs (i.e., the adjectives "proposed" and "objective" are referring to 2 different sets of costs/subjects). That said, the meaning is likely still clear within the context of the overall document. Should the definite article be repeated in this case?

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