Wednesday, July 11, 2018

grammar - About usage of will

Do you think this sentence is wrong?

  • If you will go there, I will go there too maybe.

The will have following menaings.

  1. am (is, are, etc.) expected or required to

  2. may be expected or supposed to

Q1. So, I think the sentence is correct. but i'm not sure.
What do you think about it?

Q2. Should I use the definite article in the title?

About usage of will vs. About the usage of will

Which one is more suitable for the title?


The conditional sentences type 1 there are 2 clauses: if clause (if + simple present) and main clause (simple future).
so I think we don't need to put "will" in the if clause.
If you go there, I will go there too maybe.
If you say "If you will go there, I will go there too", the sentence has a different meaning: If you are willing to go there, I am willing to go there too

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