Tuesday, November 17, 2015

nouns - Using "déjà vu" as an adjective

Usually, I use the word déjà vu as a noun, e.g. "sense of déjà vu aroused by an experience".

But the sentence sounds somewhat passive this way and less interesting and also long. I couldn't find an adjective form of the word déjà vu to make the sentence more active like "déjà vu'tic experience".

How can I make use of the word and yet form my sentence in a more active and impactful manner without having too many "by"'s and "of"'s?


Déjà vu is a word borrowed from French, a look into the dictionaries gives only one form, that is Déjà vu. It's a noun and seems there is no adjective form for this word. A little googling lead to this link which gives elaborate information on this word


Here it's said that the original use of the word was in adjective sense.

"Déjà vu crosswords, a little bit too Déjà vu for me"

By the above examples your sentence can be written as " Déjà vu experience". This is just like the way we use good, bad etc as adjectives ( Good experience , bad experience etc)

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