Friday, October 9, 2015

The correct grammar of "verb" + "conjunction" + "verb"

I have seen the usage of both versions:

I am doing this to get more attention and to seek for opportunities.

I am doing this to get more attention and seek for opportunities.

Which one is correct? Or is it merely different styles?

Thanks in advance!


They are both okay. You can conjoin any two phrases of the same type to get another phrase of that same type. The structure is

I am doing this [[to [get more attention]] and [to [seek for opportunities]]].

where "and" connects two to-infinitives and gives you a to-infinitive that goes with "doing this". But the two lower verb phrases could also be connected:

I am doing this [to [[get more attention] and [seek for opportunities]]].

giving a verb phrase in construction with the "to".

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