Thursday, September 26, 2019

syntactic analysis - Using "the book" and the title of the book in a sentence

Which one of these is the right way to include both "the book" and the title of the book in a sentence:

  • The book, Wuthering Heights, is worth a read.

  • The book Wuthering Heights is worth a read.

If none of them are right, what is the right way to write such a sentence. I am trying to express the idea that there is a book named Wuthering Heights and that book is worth a read.

In general, I have this problem for other types of sentences too, e.g., title of songs, movie names, etc. For example, "The song, When you say nothing at all, was written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz." Is there a grammar terminology or grammar concept that deals with introducing the type of object (book, song, etc.) and the title of the object, that I can look up to learn more about construction such sentences?

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