Thursday, March 3, 2016

tenses - Reported speech, question in a conditional sentence

I've been struggling with this exercise:

"Let's drive on to the next village and try the hotel there," he said. "But what'll we do if that's full too?" I said. "We'll just have to sleep in the car," he said, "it will be too late to try anywhere else."

I have to report this paragraph due tomorrow using verbs that are not ask, say or tell.

I began like this:

He suggested driving on to the next village and trying the hotel there. -- I now don't know how to start the next sentence.

This is my try: I wondered (/questioned) what we would do if that was full too.

Continuing -- He replied that we would just have to sleep in the car, and added that it would be too late to try anywhere else.

Thank you for answers.

Also, I wanted to know how to "backshift": tomorrow, next day, and following day.

I know tomorrow has to be converted into the next day, and next day has to be converted into the following day; what to convert the following day into?

Same as the above, do I have to convert 'in the morning' to anything? My best guess would be 'in that morning'. Is this true?

Thank you in advance.


You nailed the backshifted verbs.

As for backshifting those speechtime-relative adverbs ...

last week/month/year the previous week/month/year OR the week/month/year before
yesterday the previous day OR the day before

today that day
tonight that night
this morning/evening &c that morning/evening &c

tomorrow the next/following day
tomorrow morning/evening &c the next/following morning/evening &c
next week/month/year the next week/month/year

I have heard "the day/morning/week &c after" for subsequent dates/times, but this is not common; usually "the day after" designates the day which follows tomorrow/the next day, and similarly with week/month/year.

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