Wednesday, February 17, 2016

phrases - An antonym for 'sought-after'

Whenever describing something that is seldom looked for or desired I often verbalise it with "ill sought after" without hesitating.

(ignore that ill is its own word, the trouble I'm having writing it in the the question)
However, I went to write an email with this phrase and no matter how I wrote it it looked really odd.

ilsought after? I don't think that's a word, maybe I could coin it with a cheeky hyphen
il-sought after? Seems like I'm only negating sought, not the whole phrase
il-sought-after? No, no, I need help now.

So, is there a different prefix I'm supposed to be using? Should sought after be hyphenated? Is there already a phrase that already means this I'm forgetting? (I really like 'sought after', though..)


You can simply use "unsought" as an adjective instead.

The product was not sought-after by customers.

The product was unsought by customers.

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