Sunday, November 30, 2014

phrases - Meaning of "available soon" (from a test item)


I've been referring to this site for a while now and have finally decided to join you all.

This is a semantics and use question about the phrase "available soon" that appeared as part of a test item for EFL students. I'm curious about what answer native speakers of English would select. I won't say too much here as I don't want to influence how one reads and answers the item.

I would like to ask interested individuals to read the following dialogue and then answer the multiple choice question. If possible, I would like to hear the reasoning behind your choice.

Thanks for your time...

Woman: Have you looked at this catalog yet?

Man: Yes. Which car do you like?

Woman: I’m interested in the Roadmaster. It’s environmentally friendly and has great safety features plus a navigation system.

Man: I don’t really want an electric car.

Woman: How about a hybrid like the Supersonic? It has a rear-view camera, and I heard it’s the only model in stock.

Man: Hybrids are too expensive.

Woman: Then which car were you thinking of?

[This part omitted but not necessary for the answer.]

Man: I’ve got a better idea. How about the Grand Adventure? It’s a hybrid like the Supersonic so it’s environmentally friendly. And it’s got the safety features too.

Woman: That seems like a good compromise. Let’s take a test drive on Saturday.

Man: Good idea.

Question: Which car is available soon?

(1) The Grand Adventure.
(2) The Roadmaster.
(3) The Supersonic.
(4) The Tiger Minivan.

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