Sunday, May 19, 2013

word order - Ordering of Similarly-Categorized Adjectives

I realize that there is already a very popular question that discusses this question in depth, but I think this is a singular case.

How would the following adjectives be ordered?

He is a brilliant, eccentric billionaire.

He is an eccentric, brilliant billionaire.

On the linked question, it states the order as being:

(5) Quality > Size > Shape > Color > Provenance [Sproat and Shih (1991)]

(6) a. Possesive > Speaker-oriented > Subject-oriented >Manner/Thematic [Cinque (1994)]

b. Value > Dimension > Physical property > Speed > Human Propensity > Age > Color [Dixon (1982)]

How would these two adjectives (brilliant and eccentric) fit into this? What would their order be?


Because the words 'brilliant' and 'billionaire' are so aurally similar, the sentence is more balanced when they are broken by your other adjective. Brilliant billionaire deposits all of the emphasis a the end of the sentence, weighing it down. "...brilliant, eccentric billionaire." definitely sounds more even and has better flow.

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