Monday, December 17, 2012

comparisons - Should I keep the second "than" in "A is better than B and than C"?

I'm comparing an object A to 2 other objects B and C.

Objects names are somehow long so It seems to me that adding another "than" makes the sentence clearer:

A also had a significantly better predictive value on these outcomes

than its simplified version B and than the alternative version C.

A colleague told me I should remove the second than.

Is there a rule stating I should remove it ? Else, is the sentence really clearer this way ?


You can keep the second than. It's clearer with the second than since without it there is some ambiguity about the meaning of and.

A car is more desirable to him than a free place to stay and? a motorcycle.

Are we to understand a place to stay and a motorcycle as a "package deal" or as separate comparands?

We can't afford to buy you a car, but we can get you a motorcycle and you can continue to live here with us rent-free.

P.S. Of course you can always use or instead of and (and with or without the second than) if B and C are not a duo but separate items each being compared in turn to A.

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