Sunday, July 15, 2012

grammar - Best link to forward to juniors re: correct use of apostrophes, possessives and contractions

I'm tired of my junior employees abusing, misusing and otherwise being cavalier about possessives and the use of apostrophes. I could wag my finger at them, point them to some Guide of Style or to any of a myriad of pedantic websites that come up in a simple Google Search.

What I'm looking for specifically is a good writeup, whose intended target audience is this younger generation who seem to neither know, nor care, much about grammar (nor spelling for that matter, but I digress).

If the article is humorous, or even sarcastic, so much the better. The goal is to make sure a young blase audience reads it through to the end, and retains the salient points.

Throw up your links, fellow pedants!



I love a comic by The Oatmeal called, "How To Use An Apostrophe."

This is a fun, light (a little humorous) way to teach about the problems you mentioned above.

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